Business Recovery Checklist



    Most business owners are aware of basic steps that should be taken before a hurricane, such as backing up computer files and having a preparedness plan. However, after a large storm, you have no idea what condition your business will be in. To keep the business flow as continuous as possible, you need to know what to do right after the hurricane.

What to do after a disaster?   

  • Contact insurance agent or company
  • Have building inspected
  • Contact utilities to restore electric, gas, telephone, and water
  • Re-establish communications with employees, customers and suppliers
  • Assess Damage
    • Note structural, equipment and property damage including inventory, and materials
    • Avoid additional damage by making temporary repairs in order to continue to conduct business at current facility
    • Secure the building if relocation is necessary
  • Cleaning of facility
    • Make sure building is safe before reopening or allowing employees to return
    • Use proper safety items in the clean-up process

Financial Implications

  • File business interruption insurance claim
  • Determine lost income
  • List steps required before the business can reopen
  • Consider financial obligations during interruption, including payroll and debt service
  • Gather the following information for insurance adjusters:
    • Sales records and history
    • Profit and loss statements and income tax forms
  • Maintain records of extra expenses incurred

There are also many state and federal government resources available to businesses. They include:

NJ Office of Emergency Management
NJ State Police Headquarters
PO Box 7058
West Trenton , NJ 08628


New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness
P.O. Box 091
Trenton , NJ 08625-0091
609-584-5076 or

American Red Cross (ARC)
Contact the local chapter for publications on disaster planning.
American Red Cross Headquarters
2025 E. Street N.W.
Washington , D.C. 20006
The ARC offers emergency training, go to 


Small Business Administration
New Jersey District Office
Two Gateway Center
Newark, NJ 07102


Federal Emergency Management Agency
Region II
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10278
212-680-3600 or toll free 800-621-FEMA

State Government Assistance
For information on emergency planning and technical assistance contact the Business Action Center at 1-866-534-7789. Call Center representatives are available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m